Goodbye electricity bills, hello clean energy!

EnergySage Customer
Quick Facts
Energy Needs Met


or more of electricity

Net Investment



What You Need to Know


50 325W LG panels with optimizers and two inverters.

Other Benefits:

Panels on the roof increase the lifespan of the roof.

My Motivation:

Mainly environmental concerns, but it also makes financial sense. Getting $10k from the government to reduce my energy costs for decades is a no-brainer.


If you are at this site, you've made a good first decision. Prices can vary widely. Talk to or meet the top two bids you get. Installers would prefer you pay cash, so ask if they can give you a discount if you can pay that way. Don't lease, no matter how reputable the company. Get a loan or a Home Equity loan/LOC instead.

Experience with Installer:

If it feels like you are buying a used car from the installer you've contacted, you probably don't want to use that one. The installer I chose was easy going, knowledgeable, and came in with the best offer. Good options are out there! The biggest annoyance is likely to be your utility company and there's not much you can do about that. Ask your installer how well they know your power company.

Additional Notes:

The vents on my roof don't appear in aerial photos. Yours might not either. Installers really don't want to move vents if they can avoid it. Instead of moving vents, my installer gave me two extra panels for free. My installer bid the project with 315W panels, but when they ordered them from their supplier, they couldn't get them for months. Instead of waiting, they gave me 325W panels from the same manufacturer at no extra cost. An extra 500W for free? Another indication I chose the right installer.

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