I absolutely love my solar panel system! It has been such a blessing for me and my family. Not only does it provide us with clean energy and reduce our energy bills, but it also helps us contribute to a greener environment.

What You Need to Know


I recently installed a 3kw solar panel system in my home and I am very pleased with the results. The system was installed quickly and professionally, and the solar panels are of high quality and have great 30 years warranty. The system is also very efficient, providing me with enough energy to power my home and save money on my energy bills. The installation team was friendly and knowledgeable, and they answered all of my questions. Overall, I'm very happy with my new solar panel system and would definitely recommend it to anyone looking to reduce their energy bills and go green.

Other Benefits:

Having a 3kw solar panel system is a great way to reduce your electricity bills and your overall carbon footprint. With a 3kw system, you can generate enough electricity to power most of your household appliances and you can even sell excess electricity back to the grid. Additionally, you can take advantage of government incentives and rebates to offset the cost of the installation and make it more affordable. With a 3kw system, you can also enjoy the peace of mind knowing that you’re helping to reduce your environmental impact while also saving money.

Maintenance Requirements:

The maintenance requirements of a 3kw solar panel system are minimal. Regular inspections of the system are recommended in order to ensure that the solar panels are clean and free of debris or damage. The solar panel system should be inspected at least once a year, preferably during the spring or fall months when the weather is mild. Additionally, the system should be inspected after any major storms or extreme weather events. It is important to check the connections between the solar panels and the inverter to ensure that they are free from dirt, corrosion, and damage. Once a year, the system should also be inspected for any obstructions or shading that could affect the performance of the system. Proper maintenance of the system can help to ensure that it continues to operate at peak efficiency.


Buying a Solar System for your home is a great decision. Ujjawal Solar Company provides customers with quality solar systems that are reliable and efficient.

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