Explore your solar options today!

100% and EnergySage have partnered to help you go solar to save money & the planet!

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We're helping you go solar with confidence!

The Solutions Project accelerates the transition to 100% clean, renewable energy for all people and purposes. To achieve this mission, we engage the public, celebrate and convene leaders, and advance collaborative campaigns that provide consumers, voters, and large-scale decision-makers with the choice to make strides on the road to 100%. We implement this integrated model at the state level. To maintain our national reach, we develop inspired content, amplify stories and media, and create opportunities to celebrate and activate leadership across the country.

How the EnergySage Marketplace Works

The EnergySage Marketplace gets you quotes online from multiple, pre-screened local installers and helps you compare offers in an apples-to-apples format so you get the best deal.

Step 1:
Register online

Register and complete your property profile

Step 2:
Pre-screened installers submit quotes online

Installers compete for your business

Step 3:
Compare quotes online

Pick the best quote for you and save with solar!


Together we can build a stronger economy, healthier families, and a more secure future. 100% clean is 100% possible. Join us.

Upcoming News & Events

Please check out website for upcoming events: http://100.org

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