Explore your solar options today!

Melanie Bergero and EnergySage have partnered to help you go solar and save more money!

Compare solar quotes online & get honest advice

or start with an Instant Estimate of your solar savings

We're helping you go solar with confidence!

Simply create an account (no phone calls required) and receive multiple online quotes for a solar panel installation on your property. Compare offers apples-to-apples and speak with your dedicated, vendor-neutral EnergySage Advisor to help answer any questions you might have along the way.

EnergySage's mission is to empower people to make smarter energy decisions, through simplicity, transparency, and choice.

How the EnergySage Marketplace Works

The EnergySage Marketplace gets you quotes online from multiple, pre-screened local installers and helps you compare offers in an apples-to-apples format so you get the best deal.

Step 1:
Register online

Register and complete your property profile

Step 2:
Pre-screened installers submit quotes online

Installers compete for your business

Step 3:
Compare quotes online

Pick the best quote for you and save with solar!

Compare solar quotes online & get honest advice

or start with an Instant Estimate of your solar savings