Compare solar quotes online and save!

Step 1: Register to get custom quotes from pre-screened solar installers!

Solarize South Windsor helps you go solar and save money

Here’s How:

  • Step 1: Register and complete your property profile
  • Step 2: Get actual online quotes from our pre-screened solar installers
  • Step 3: Compare your quotes online and get the best deal!

By registering on EnergySage, you can find the best solar solution and financing option for your situation. It’s free to use and you don’t have to share your phone number with installers!

But you must act now!

The Solarize South Windsor campaign ends March 17, 2015.

About Solarize South Windsor
Participating Solar Installers

We have carefully vetted and selected a group of high quality, local solar installers for this program. By creating an account on EnergySage, these installers will be able to quickly see your property information and provide you with online quotes for your review.  It’s simple and easy!

How the EnergySage Marketplace Works

Step 1:
Register online

Register and complete your property profile

Step 2:
Pre-screened installers submit quotes online

Installers compete for your business

Step 3:
Compare quotes online

Pick the best quote for you and save with solar!

The Town of South Windsor leads the way

The Town of South Windsor is working to make the purchase of solar PV for electricity easy for our residents. This state and town supported Solarize campaign utilizes the EnergySage website to make it easy to compare quotes from multiple solar installers. Educational and technical support makes it simple to compare quotes from installers, providing South Windsor residents with choices, while realizing savings and equipping consumers to make informed decisions.

Why use the EnergySage Marketplace

It’s never been easier to shop for solar systems with confidence. Get quotes from multiple pre-screened installers. The EnergySage Marketplace makes comparison shopping for solar simple and transparent, so you can understand the true costs and benefits of each quote across all of your financing options. Don’t shop without it!

< Compare solar quotes apples to apples
As seen in

Case Study

10 kW system installed in Harwinton, CT

System meets more than 100% of electricity needs

Annual Savings
Trees planted every year

Solar Saves You Money

An overview of the benefits of going solar

Going solar more often than not means you won’t pay an electric bill for the next 25-30 years. What would that mean for you and your family? See how going solar will put money in your pocket.

Learn About Solar

From why to how of going solar! And it’s a great investment.

Going solar has a wide range of benefits and that's great news! Whether economic, environmental, personal, or political, all of these benefits are fueling the United States’ solar power boom.

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Step 1: Register to get custom quotes from pre-screened solar installers!