Hot Solar Solutions installed our 7.77kW solar PV panel system in March 2023. It generates about 40kWh on a sunny spring day. We expect it to reduce our electricity bill n the years ahead. It feels great to see the system on our rooftop feeding clean power into the grid! Go solar! You won't regret it.

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What You Need to Know


VSUN (VSUN370-120M-BB) Fuji Solar 21 panel system with Enphase microinverters (IQ7Plus-72) for a 7.77kW system size.

Other Benefits:

The PV system adds about $7500 to our home value.

Maintenance Requirements:

We were told it might need to be washed annually if performance seems to degrade.

Efficiency or Sustainability Improvements:

We have already installed energy-saving windows.

My Motivation:

Our motivation were four-fold: a) lock in the benefits of going solar like the low interest solar loan, net metering and solar ITC before these advantages are phased out; 2) insure ourselves against electricity price inflation; 3) feel good about contributing to the decarbonization of the local electricity grid; and 4) increase the value of our house.


We recommend starting your solar journey at EnergySage. It is an online solar service aggregator that has been awarded a grant from the US Department of Energy. Their team of energy counselors provide expert advice to people from the standpoint of consumers, but they earn revenue from installers etc. that get sales leads from their site.

Experience with Installer:

We were pleased overall with our installer. Our installation was delayed by some permitting issues with the electric power company, so it is wise to be patient about the installation schedule. It seems like delays are commonplace. It appears utilities have trouble quickly processing all the grid interconnection applications.

Additional Notes:

We are fortunate to have a location where tree shade isn't an issue. We are also blessed with ample south-facing rooftop area.

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