A new era for EnergySage: Introducing our new brand logo and visual identity

Introducing EnergySage's brand new logo and visual identity

It is with great excitement that I share the unveiling of EnergySage’s new brand logo and visual identity. This marks a significant milestone in our journey, as we move forward from the logo and visual identity that has served us well for the past 12 years. Today, we celebrate not only a visual transformation but also the expansion of our products and services to accelerate the adoption of clean energy solutions by making research, shopping, and installation simpler and more transparent.

The decision to update our brand’s visual identity was driven by several key factors. The visual update is not just about aesthetics; it signifies our broader mission to serve as a comprehensive, inclusive home electrification shopping platform, putting consumers first in everything we do.

Expanding our reach

Homeowners today are seeking more than just rooftop solar solutions. They want integrated, easy-to-navigate solutions that can help them save on energy costs, reduce their carbon footprint, and contribute to a healthier planet. Over the past decade, EnergySage has evolved from a solar marketplace to a comprehensive platform that addresses this growing array of clean home energy needs.

Today we provide solutions for energy storage, heating and cooling systems, electric vehicle (EV) charging, and community solar – and we aren’t stopping there. Our new visual identity supports this expanded vision, enabling us to better serve consumers, providers, partners, and the industry.

Modernizing our brand

Our new visual identity also reflects a commitment to modernizing our website with usability and accessibility in mind. With a sleek new design, we are making shopping for clean energy solutions simpler. Improved accessibility was also an important goal of our design update. We have incorporated elements such as high-contrast color combinations and easier-to-read text to ensure more people can access and benefit from our services.

Explore our redesigned homepage

The new EnergySage logo is the centerpiece of this visual transformation. Its new design captures the essence of our mission, embodies innovation, and demonstrates our expansion to clean energy and electrification solutions for your entire home.

To improve people's experience of the EnergySage brand and website, we have updated fonts and colors to enhance UX (user experience) and made navigation more intuitive.

Lastly, we aim to bring to life through imagery and video the practical and positive impacts of home electrification. Creating a healthier, more sustainable, more cost-efficient home is within reach, and we hope to show that through real people, their homes, and their success stories.

EnergySage logo

Our commitment to you

At EnergySage, we are committed to simplifying these unnecessarily complex purchases, earning and maintaining your trust, and giving you the confidence to learn about and shop for cleaner, more cost-effective solutions for your homes and families. Our new visual identity is a testament to this commitment, providing you with the best possible tools and resources to make informed energy decisions.

Join us in celebrating

We invite you to explore our updated website and experience the refreshed EnergySage brand. Follow us on social media for updates, tips, and insights on home electrification and clean energy solutions. Thank you for being part of the EnergySage community. We look forward to continuing this journey with you and helping you achieve your energy goals. Here’s to building a brighter, more sustainable future together!

Explore our new website and learn more about our comprehensive energy solutions at EnergySage.com.

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