waterproof solar panels

Solar panels spend their lifetime of more than 30 years outside in the elements. Almost always, rooftop or ground-mounted solar arrays will have panels exposed to rainy, wet weather, meaning panels must be waterproof to keep producing power for many years.

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Because solar panels have been exposed to the elements for several decades, they need to resist water damage as possible. All home solar panels are waterproof. In the rare case that they are damaged by water, you are usually protected by warranties from the panel manufacturer.

Solar panels generate energy with their solar cells. The electricity is captured by wiring within the solar panel. Above all else, the wiring and other electronics within solar panels are where water could do the most damage. This is why solar panels are constructed in a way that protects these more sensitive components.

Several components make solar panels waterproof. A thin glass sheet protects the front, and a durable, polymer-based material covers the back. These two layers, combined with a metal frame and specialized sealant glue, make solar panels waterproof and prevent water from accessing the cells and wiring.

In rare cases, construction defects may compromise the waterproofing. Luckily, most solar panel manufacturers offer two different warranties to protect your solar panel investment: an equipment warranty and a production warranty.

A solar panel equipment warranty protects against problems associated with the quality of the physical solar panel. Manufacturing defects, environmental issues, and premature wear and tear are all examples of what would be covered under an equipment warranty. If your solar panels are not waterproof and water damages a panel, your equipment warranty will protect you. In some cases, your solar panel manufacturer will not only pay for a new panel but also cover its shipment and re-installation. Most equipment warranties last 10-12 years.

A solar panel's production warranty protects against underperforming solar panels. Like other electronics, a solar panel degrades over time, and the energy it generates slowly decreases. Production warranties usually guarantee 90% production at ten years or around 80% at 25 years. This means that after ten years, your solar panels should retain at least 90% of their production capability as when they were first installed (or 80% of their initial production after 25 years). A non-waterproof solar panel may get flooded with water, causing less sunlight to reach the solar cells or even breaking individual cells. If this happens, they will likely not produce the power needed to fulfill their production warranty promise, and your solar manufacturer will replace any water-damaged panels.

Solar panels aren't just waterproof - they also stand up to most weather-related stress. For property owners in cold climates, there's no need to worry about snow. Solar panels can hold significant weight without collapsing, and colder weather even boosts production for photovoltaic cells. Even extreme events like hurricanes and hail storms usually don't affect solar panels significantly - proper racking systems prevent strong winds from inflicting damage, and the durable glass covering on most panels holds up under most hail storms.

Solar panels can be a great investment for property owners regardless of the weather where you live. Solar panels are built to withstand rain, snow, and most of what nature has to throw at them. By signing up to receive quotes on the EnergySage Solar Marketplace, local solar companies can submit bids for your business. If you want solar panels with the best warranty terms, leave a note in your profile for prospective installers to see.

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