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Storage in
Murrells Inlet, SC

Updated 4/21/2024

How much do storage systems cost in Murrells Inlet, SC in 2024?

As of April 2024, the average storage system cost in Murrells Inlet, SC is $1111/kWh. Given a storage system size of 13 kWh, an average storage installation in Murrells Inlet, SC ranges in cost from $12,277 to $16,611, with the average gross price for storage in Murrells Inlet, SC coming in at $14,444. After accounting for the 30% federal investment tax credit (ITC) and other state and local storage incentives, the net price you'll pay for solar can fall by thousands of dollars.

Importantly, these costs are typical for shoppers comparing storage quotes on the EnergySage Marketplace. When you compare quotes for solar panels and batteries on EnergySage's competitive marketplace, you can expect to see prices up to 20% lower than working with a single company.

Average storage system cost by system size in Murrells Inlet, SC

System Size System Cost System Cost (after ITC)
10 kWh $11,111 $7,778
13 kWh $14,444 $10,111
20 kWh $22,222 $15,556
26 kWh $28,889 $20,222
Note: you can't claim the federal tax credit without installing solar panels alongside a battery system.

2024 average solar + storage cost in Murrells Inlet, SC

$19,031 - $55,289

There are several variables that impact the price you pay for a solar + storage system: the quality of the equipment you install, the type of inverters you choose, and the storage capacity and chemistry of your battery. This is an average price range for solar + storage installations in your area, and the specifics of your project will change the final price you pay.

battey size range image

Top 5 quoted battery models in Murrells Inlet, SC

FranklinWH Energy Storage Inc…
Tesla Powerwall 2
EG4 LL24v
EG4 14.3kWh PowerPro WallMoun…
Generac PWRcell Battery (M6)

Top storage system installers in Murrells Inlet, SC

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